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Evidence-Based Healing

Faster Wound Healing
Chronic Wound Cleansing
Reduce Wound Infection
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Surgical Lavage

This page contains summaries and links to a collection of high-quality clinical studies including;


  • Randomized Control Trials

  • Literature Reviews

  • International Consensus 

  • International Guidelines


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Evidence-Based Best Practice for Wound Management Starts Here.

Consensus Cover 2018.png

8 controlled clinical trials reporting improved wound healing and fewer infections were cited for Microdacyn


Microdacyn contains the recommended "1st choice antiseptic compound for decontaminating acute and chronic wounds"

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Armstrong Expert Recomm Cover 2015.png

"Contrary to the use of some antiseptics, these HOCl solutions do not impair wound healing but rather can improve wound healing in addition to resolving infection"

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Roll-over the cover to access the full publication

Contrasting Recommended Wound Treatments

Antimicrobial onset as quickly as 30 seconds and rapid penetration of biofilm, killing from within.1,2

Microdacyn (HOCl/NaOCl) is recommended as the first choice for decontaminating all acute and chronic wounds in the 2018 'Consensus on Wound Antisepsis Review'.

HOCl: Hypochlorous Acid/NaOCl | PVP-I: Povidone-Iodine | OCT: Octenidine Dihydrochloride | PHMB: Polyhexanide

1:  Kramer et al 2018 Consensus on Wound Antisepsis 2018 Review 

2: International Wound Infection Institute 2016 Clinical Practice Guidelines

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IWII 2016 Cover.png

"There are also newer cleansing agents that are super-oxidised hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite. 


These newer solutions are purported to disrupt biofilm and kill planktonic bacteria and other organisms while being safe for the wound and the individual."

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JQ Del Rosso Status Update Cover.png

HOCl exhibits broad spectrum antimicrobial activity that is directly toxic to many bacteria and fungi.


HOCl exhibits anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties based on multiple laboratory analyses. These properties appear to correlate with the potential therapeutic benefits topically applied for various skin disorders.

Microdacyn Reduces Wound Healing Time

Clinical Trials

Faster Wound Healing

A Randomized Controlled Trial to Examine the Efficacy & Safety of Microdacyn
for the Management of Wide Post-surgical Lesions of the Diabetic Foot

A Piaggessi et al - International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 2010;8(1) 10-15

Patients with diabetic foot wounds >5cm2 were randomly assigned to receive Microdacyn and/or standard care protocols including systematic antibiotic therapy and surgical debridement if needed.

Patients were followed up weekly for 6 months or upon complete re-epithelization of the lesion recording outcomes including; healing rate at 6 months, time taken for culture to become negative, duration of antibiotic therapy and adverse events.

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Mean healing time was shorter by 6 weeks when treated with Microdacyn vs standard care. (p=0.007)

  • The number of healed wounds at 6 months was 35% greater in the Microdacyn group
    (90% vs 55% p<0.01)


  • The average wound healing time was significantly shorter by 6 weeks (graphed, p=0.007)

  • Reinfections were significantly fewer in the Microdacyn group (p<0.05)

  • Duration of antibiotic therapy was significantly shorter in the Microdaycn group
    (10.1 ± 6.1 weeks vs15.8 ± 7.8 weeks p<0.05)

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A Randomized Single Blinded Control Trial Treating Infected Diabetic Wounds with Microdacyn Vs Normal Saline: A Preliminary Experience

S Hadi et al - JCPSP 2007;17(12) 740-743

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100 patients were randomly assigned to receive Microdacyn (n=50) or normal saline-soaked gauze (n=50) as inpatients on an orthopaedic and general medicine ward as inpatients. Outcomes assessed were wound score change, wound healing and duration spent in the hospital.

  • Hospital length of stay was significantly shorter in the Microdacyn treated group (p<0.05)

  • Wound category was downgraded significantly faster in the Microdacyn treated group (p<0.05)

  • Wound healing time was shorter in the Microdacyn treated group.

Microdacyn reduces patient length of stay (LoS) significantly.

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A Randomized  Control Trial  Using Microdacyn for Infected Diabetic Foot Ulcers

L Dalla Paola et al - WOUNDS 2006;18(9) 262-270

228 patients were randomly assigned to receive Microdacyn (n=110) or standard care (n=108) undergoing elective surgery of the diabetic foot.
Baseline bacterial strains were not significantly different at study entry.
Outcomes measures included reduction of bacterial load, healing time and skin reactions.

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Successful Treatment

Odds Ratio = 3.4

Favouring Microdacyn

  • The post-op median wound healing time was significantly shorter for the Microdacyn treated group by 12 days (55 vs 43 days p<0.001)

  • At the time of operative wound closure, there were significantly more patients without bacterial strains in the Microdacyn treated group. (p<0.001

  • Microdacyn treated patients were more likely to have a successful outcome: Odds ratio 3.4 (CI 1.7-7.0) 

Microdacyn in Chronic Wound Management

Clinical Trials

Chronic Wound Cleansing

Use of Wet-to-Moist Cleansing with Different Irrigation Solutions to Reduce Bacterial Bioburden in Chronic Wounds

O Assadian et al - Journal of Wound Care WUWHS Supplement 2018;27(10) 10-17

A prospective 12-arm cohort study evaluating the antibacterial effect in 299 wounds using different irrigation solutions on reducing sessile, non-planktonic bacteria which colonise chronic wounds.

Quantitative wound swabs were taken before and after a 20-minute wet-to-moist cleanse in an identical wound location using the Levene technique. Average wound duration was 1.2 ± 3.8 years for males and 2.7 ± 4.4 years for females.


The table and results below are adapted to reflect only those solutions relevant for ANZ markets.

Assadian Signficiant Table.png
  • Staph aureus was the most common pathogen isolated (25.5%)

  • 9 / 12 solutions achieved a statistically significant reduction in bacterial burden after application as a 20-minute wet-to-moist cleanses including Microdacyn and Betadine. (p<0.05)

  • 3 / 12 solutions tested did not achieve a statistically significant reduction in bacterial burden including Prontosan and normal saline. (p>0.05)

Microdacyn significantly reduces the bacterial burden of chronic wounds (p<0.05)

Microdacyn Improves Wound Infection Control

Reduce Wound Infection

Microdacyn® Irrigation in Reducing Infection of a Median Sternotomy Wound

Mohd et al - Heart Surgery Forum 2010 ; 13(4) 228-232

178 patients were randomly assigned to receive either Microdacyn (n=88) and/or standard care (n=90) when undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG).

Upon chest closure and insertion of sternal wires, wounds were soaked for 15 minutes with either solution (Microdacyn or povidone-iodine). Subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed routinely.

Patients were followed up for sternotomy wound infection and side effects for 6 weeks.

Mohd CABG infection incidence graph.png
  • Superficial infections were reduced by >50% relative to the control group for patients treated with Microdacyn (5.7% vs 11.1%)

  • There were zero (0) incidences of deep tissue infection in the Microdacyn treated group

  • Four patients (4.4%) in the standard care group contracted a deep tissue infection requiring further surgical procedures

  • No Microdaycn complications were reported

Microdacyn significantly reduces surgical site infections vs standard care (p<0.05)

Microdacyn Improves Improve Antimicrobial Stewardship

Improve Antimicrobial Stewardship

Clinical Outcomes of Post-surgical Lesions in the Infected Diabetic Foot Managed With 2 Different Local Treatment Regimes: Microdacyn Vs Standard Care

C Goretti et al - International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 2007;6(1) 22-27

Patients with post-surgical lesions >5cm2 were consecutively recruited to receive Microdacyn-saturated dressings and renewed daily, then compared with a control group matched for; age, duration of diabetes, HbA1c, area of lesion and duration of ulceration.


Both patient groups received standard antibiotic therapy, debridement as required and were assessed weekly until the wounds had re-epithelialized completely.

Goretti Vertical Antibioic Duraction Gra
  • The duration of antibiotic therapy was significantly shorter in the Microdacyn treated group - graphed (74.7± 32.1 vs 129.6± 54.4 days p=0.0083)

  • Average wound healing time was significantly shorter in the Microdaycn treated group by 68 days
    (144± 39 vs 212±67 p <0.01)

  • More patients were healed at 6 months in the Microdacyn treated group (87.5% vs 51.4% p=0.014)

  • The incidence of infection was significantly less in the Microdacyn treated group (22% vs 60% p=0.0015)

  • There were fewer incidents of follow-up surgical debridement in the Mcirodacyn treated group
    (6 vs 16 p=0.0012

The duration of antibiotic therapy was shorter for Microdacyn treated patients by >7.8 weeks

A Randomized Controlled Trial to Examine the Efficacy & Safety of Microdacynfor the Management of Wide Post-surgical Lesions of the Diabetic Foot

Piaggessi et al - International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 2010;8(1) 10-15

Patients with diabetic foot wounds >5cm2 were randomly assigned to receive Microdacyn or standard antisepsis in conjunction with standard care protocols including systematic antibiotic therapy and surgical debridement as required.


Patients were followed up weekly for 6 months or upon complete re-epithelization of the lesion recording outcomes including; healing rate at 6 months, time taken for culture to become negative, duration of antibiotic therapy and adverse events.

  • Duration of antibiotic therapy was significantly shorter in the Microdaycn group
    (10.1 ± 6.1 weeks vs15.8 ± 7.8 weeks p<0.05)

  • The number of healed wounds at 6 months was 35% greater in the Microdacyn group
    (0% vs 55% p<0.01)

  • The average wound healing time was significantly shorter by 6.0 weeks  (p=0.007)

  • Reinfections was significantly fewer in the Microdacyn group (p<0.05)

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Microdacyn significantly reduced the duration of antibiotic therapy (p<0.05)

Piaggessi Vertical Antibitoic Duration G

Microdacyn Lavage Improves Surgical Outcomes

Clinical Trial

Surgical Outcomes

Comparative Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating Intra-Operative Peritoneal Lavage with Microdacyn and Normal Saline

Singal et al - MAEDICA Journal of Clinical Medicine 2016;11(4) 277-285

240 patients with diagnosed cases of peritonitis were randomized to receive peritoneal lavage with either Microdacyn (n=120) or saline (n=120) upon surgical closure with standard care.

After definitive surgery, the peritoneal cavity was was washed with 1L of normal saline, the Microdacyn group then had 200ml of Microdacyn put into the peritoneal cavity. Drains were placed and clamped for one hour with the abdomen closed so that the Microdacyn could not escape. Outcomes recorded were; Bacterial load post-lavage, superficial wound infection, wound pain, wound discharge, average time for drain removal and hospital stay.

Singal Peritonitis All Metrics Combined
  • The bacterial load after lavage was lower in the Microdacyn treated group reaching statistical significance in the majority of perforation sites.

  • The wound infection rate was lower for the Microdacyn treated group (32 v 48 p<0.05)

  • Wound pain was significantly less frequent in the Microdacyn treated group (42 vs 59 p<0.05)

  • Purulent wound discharge was significantly less frequent in the Microdacyn treated group
    (24 vs 67 p<0.001)


  • Average day to drain removal was significantly shorter in the Microdacyn treated group
    (5.46 vs 7.33 p<0.001)

"Post-operatively the morbidity and mortality was less in the Microacyn treated group"

More Information
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Review 2018: Consensus on Wound Antisepsis

In early 2018, Kramer et al published an updated consensus on wound antisepsis in the journal of skin pharmacology and physiology

The article independently collected all the quality clinical evidence produced by a PubMed literature search and tabulated the outcomes for various wound and surgical preparations including super-oxidised solutions.


Below is the extract data for Microdacyn where it was proven superior in wound healing or infection control (or both) in all trials against all comparators.

Summary: eight (8) controlled trials were quoted, six (6) were against Povidone-Iodine in wounds, one (1) was against saline in wounds and another one (1) was against saline in surgical irrigation of the peritoneum.

Additionally, the consensus included one retrospective cohort study against silver (Ag) in burn wounds.

Microdacyn significantly improved wound healing rates in all wound trials and significantly improved surgical recovery measures in the irrigation RCT

Consensus Cover 2018.png

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Microdacyn is the 1st choice antiseptic compound for decontaminating acute and chronic wounds

If This Isn't Enough To Change Your Evidence-Based Practice, Nothing Will


Summary & Action

As the literature for Microdacyn's efficacy in improved wound healing continues to grow the case for superiority is becoming somewhat irrefutable. With antibiotic resistance continuing to rise at an alarming rate the need to adopt these modern technologies is now!


If you're looking to adopt an evidence-based care model that improves healing and betters infection control outcomes then its time to make the switch to Microdacyn Wound Care


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