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How To Use Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution

Treat With Microdacyn At Every Dressing Change or Up To Three Times Daily


Apply Microdacyn Directly To The Wound

Spray, pour or wash an excess of Microdacyn directly into the wound to the point of saturation
Microdacyn is also suitable for moistening adherent bandages, flushing away debris, cleaning the peri-wound or general skin cleaning because it is non-cytotoxic.
Microdacyn will kill 99.99% of the free-floating (planktonic) microbes within 30 seconds of cleaning. For more kill data please see 'The Science' section here
Note: Microdacyn can be applied to any wounded area including sensitive areas such as the ears, mouth, nose, cartilage, tendons, joints, bones and even the peritoneum surgically.


Irrigate With Microdacyn While Cleaning & Debriding

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Soak a gauze or cleaning pad with Microdacyn using it to manually clean the wound with light abrasion. Microdacyn is not a replacement for manual cleaning/debridement
Continue to irrigate and flush with Microdacyn until the wound free of debris and the wound bed is sufficiently prepared for dressing, the repeated application of Microdacyn will improve its effectiveness
Microdacyn is a hypotonic solution and a suitable desloughing aid,
Soaking the wound in Microdacyn soaked gauze will help soften and remove slough with minimal trauma to the wound. Soaking may be repeated as often as necessary until the desired result is achieved.
With very thick or dry coatings over the wound, you may consider applying a layer of Microdacyn Hydrogel for added moisture to accelerated the softening process
Do Not Rinse Microdacyn Out

Acute, Clean & Healing Wounds

Chronic, Infected or High-Risk Wounds?

non-healing, suspected biofilm, clinically infected or in the higher risk population such as diabetics and the elderly continue to treat as directed below


To A Clean Wound Bed - Soak The Wound With Microdacyn

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In wounds that require more aggressive management, apply a Microdacyn soaked medium into/onto the freshly cleaned wound and its edges for up to 15 minutes
The increased contact time increases the non-cytotoxic antimicrobial effect of Microdacyn towards established biofilms and more persistent microbes such as fungi and spores such as C dif.
In very large wounds this may require large volumes of Microdacyn to ensure effective treatment. If using smaller spray bottles you may want to consider using the larger 990ml screw cap presentation
Note: If wound packing is required Microdacyn is well suited to soaking the packing medium before placement and can easily be moistened again at removal

Starting Treatment In Chronic Wounds

Soaks must be repeated every 24-36 hours until the infection has resolved when starting treatment in a chronic or non-healing wound to ensure any established biofilms are significantly reduced

Chronic, Non-Healing or Infected Wounds

Cover / Dress

Microdacyn is compatible with all dressings types including silver (Ag)
Wound aetiology will dictate appropriate dressing choice
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Microdacyn Hydrogel

Microdacyn Hydrogel is presented in a spray bottle for a non-touch application
The unique formula will gel in seconds after contact with the air when sprayed
Where a hydrogel is indicated, apply Microdacyn Hydrogel directly to the wound 2-5mm thick.
It may be left in situ for up to 3 days.
Microdacyn Hydrogel contains Microdacyn Wound Care Solution and possesses the same potent, non-cytotoxic antimicrobial effects when used for wound cleaning.
Microdacyn Hydrogel will donate moisture to the wound as well as promote autolytic debridement. It is suitable for treating both thermal burns and radiation burns.
In painful or inflamed wounds Microdacyn Hydrogel may be refrigerated before application to provide immediate soothing relief from the cold gel

Dry Wounds + Burns Incl Radiation

Understanding Infection

Persistent, antibiotic-resistant and biofilm-based infections pose a greater risk to wound healing and healthcare facilities.


Biofilms are microscopic and cannot be visually identified by eye
It can be assumed that nearly all chronic wounds posses biofilms and the management of biofilms is paramount to ensuring wounds can heal. The following criteria are indicative of potential biofilm

Biofilm: a structured community of microbes with genetic diversity and variable gene expression (phenotype) that creates behaviors and defenses used to produce unique infections (chronic infection). Biofilms are characterized by significant tolerance to antibiotics and biocides while remaining protected from host immunity.

  • Failure of appropriate antibiotic treatment
  • Recalcitrance to appropriate antimicrobial treatment
  • Recurrence of delayed healing on cessation of antibiotic treatment
  • Delayed healing despite optimal wound management and health support
  • Increased exudate/moisture
  • Low-level chronic inflammation
  • Low-level erythema
  • Poor granulation/friable hyper granulation
  • Secondary signs of infection

Microdacyn Effect on Biofilm

The latest guidelines published by the international wound infection institute cite super-oxidised hypochlorous acid (Microdacyn) with the ability to "penetrate biofilm rapidly, killing formations from within"

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Download the guidelines by clicking the cover

For more information on biofilms visit "The Evidence" section


Microdacyn has a printed shelf life of up to 24 months

Microdacyn must be discarded 60 days from opening

Microdacyn does not promote bacterial resistance


Microdacyn is a compatible instilation with;

  • Ultrasonic Debridement (USD)

  • Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWTi eg VAC Veraflow)

  • Positive Pressure Systems (eg Versajet)


Microdacyn is indicated for any human cavity or mucosal lining without restriction


Microdacyn is compatible with all dressing types including silver (Ag)

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